CAD for Kids – Tinkercad for Beginners

Ideal for kids, this computer design course explores the amazing world of 3D design and printing with Tinkercad.
Does your child want to become an engineer or architect? If the answer is ‘yes,’ then this course is a must! Every engineer, architect, or product designer must learn about 3D design or CAD (computer-aided design); it is never too early to know. This course is ideal for children between the ages of 7 and 12. The video lessons and exercises will have your child creating unique designs in no time.

What You Will Learn In This Free Course

  • Open a free Tinkercad account to create and save designs
  • Move around the software’s interface and know where the different commands are located
  • Use the software’s commands to bring in shapes and building blocks
  • Move, rotate, and adjust shapes freely in space
  • Combine building blocks to create shapes
  • Group shapes to create detailed models
  • Export files for 3D printing